Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


20 December 2008

Saturday - boom.

Gorillaz - feel good inc (live)
Smile or I'll kill you.

[For those of you expecting something extraordinary because of the countdown - like MJ jumping out of the blog or anything like that - sorry to disappoint: the countdown was of a more personal nature. But do enjoy the buffet.]


Anonymous said...

Should we make some kind of wishes or something?

weebzam said...

yeah, wish me brain :)

Anonymous said...

Lots of brains, then!

weebzam said...

I'm not sure it worked, but thanks :)

Anonymous said...

What happened? Did the world stop on the 20th? No more melodies? :(

weebzam said...

just maladies for now :))

no. if it becomes routine, it sucks for me. so it won't be daily, but there will be more. thank you, you've been a great crowd, alea alea :)