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15 February 2009

a reminder

Radiohead - paranoid android

This is such a classic I have to explain it.
A conversation last night reminded me of this song and its meaning. I wanted to say 'importance', but maybe such things are only important to me.
Imagine Thom walking around at night looking for a quiet place where he could just have a drink and chill for a second. He goes into a bar. The bar is crowded and what's worse, they all know him and what's worst, they all claw at him with blood painted fingernails screaming for his attention. Not exactly the quiet nightcap he had in mind. With this scene in mind the lyrics are easy to crack.
Kicking screaming gucci little piggy.
Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest.
You don't remember, you don't remember, why don't you remember my name (I guess he does)
The panic, the vomit.
God loves his children, yeeeeah.
I've been there a fair number of times (not that I'm Thom or famous, mind you, so imagine his predicament.) It gets worse actually. For me most people are noise, obstacles and redundancy. Young, beautiful and fucking nerve-wrecking.
This song is an anthem really, if not a requiem.

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