Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


10 February 2010

Primus - My Name Is Mud

Primus - Southbound Pachyderm

Primus - The Air Is Getting Slippery

Primus - Glass Sandwich

and of course

Primus - Tommy The Cat (live)

I know this is a band you usually enjoy in highschool. I don't really know why, cause they're actually pretty good. I can totally understand outgrowing the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but if you like Primus once I think you kinda feel the need to revisit them every now and again. I think most people tend to dismiss bands like Primus and Ween because they've been labeled "comedy rock", which is indeed funny and ironic since it is in bands like these that you find the most poetic, most real and deepest insights sometimes. We really need to take comedy serious, dude.

And anyway, they shake hands with Ween, so shut up you, you know who you are.

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