Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


04 October 2010

the residents

The Residents - The Aging Musician

The Residents - Wolverines

I feel weird these days, so there you go: The Residents.
When I was more of a teenager and not as cool as I certainly am now, I used to get a little queasy (if not utterly terrified) if I heard words such as "underground", "independent", "experimental", "alternative". They formed a sort of promiscuous, alluring fog in which I choked. I just wasn't breathing properly. Uhhh, the mystery! The danger! The all-devouring unknown! This is where cool people smoked actual cigarettes, this is where dancing with more than one limb at a time was shameful and smirked upon, this is where goddesses made out of breasts smelled like beer and woke up with accidental piercings when they fell asleep with they beautiful heads in the sinks among the dirty forks. This was the period when I thought the Verve was the most underground I'll ever get in this life, deeper and cooler than my own grave. Suede were dangerous and unforgiving!
Little did I know.
Anyway, listening to the Residents gives me nauseating flashbacks of that period: I feel small and dull. Not because they're so cool and brilliant, necessarily. I'm not sure they are. But their music, bad or good, comes from such a distant planet that you can't help wondering if it was really meant for you or you're just standing in the way. There's a rumor going around that their first lead singer was R2D2, but his costume and instrument playing skills overshadowed everyone else's in the band so they canned the fucker.

p.s. These two are by no means their weirdest songs. Oh no.

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