Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


12 February 2012

dEUS - Keep You Close

You know that eerie feeling when you're just thinking about somebody and then that somebody calls you in that exact second? And it's like magic, or telepathy, or something cool like that? Yeah, it's not magic. But it's pretty cool. Or annoying, if what you were thinking was "God, I hate that bastard, I hope he's dead".
But anyway, that's what happened with dEUS yesterday. Just as I was having this dEUS fit for a couple of days, I find out that they had a new album out in 2011 - Keep You Close. I'm not even surprised anymore that I discover these things centuries after they've been extinct and dead and buried inside rocks. The important thing is that we're all still here and we love each other.

These guys are kind of like Ween in one respect: they can't really make a bad album, it's simply not in their genes. And yes, I'm dropping that particular name again, let me pick that up and wash it. But alas, Keep You Close is not exactly Worst Case Scenario, or In A Bar, Under The Table. Sorry, Sea. Or, of course, The Ideal Crash. These are anybody's favorites, right? As always with most good bands, there comes a time when the music is there, but the boldness is gone. The sheer nerve isn't there quite so much. Because you experiment when you're young and don't know what you're doing. But then you get older and you fall into the trap of knowing. You become polished and sophisticated, huge orchestras start forming behind you and things get epic. Of course, that can lead to a song like "Nothing Really Ends", but how often does that happen? In the end, the feeling that lingers on is that the room is perfectly decorated, but it needs fresh air.

Keep You Close is a good album by itself, but when you put it next to WCS it's like Tom Jones just walked in the room. I mean I prefer the older ones, what can I say? But I will say this: Tom Barman is a fucking poet. This man's lyrics never fail to amaze me. They are simply beautiful, they just float out of him naturally, seamlessly, effortlessly. Dave Gahan has that as well. It's like they don't really mean for it to be poetry, they're just talking, but it just comes out that way. Whenever I listen to dEUS, I come up with lyrics of my own that are based on lyrics of his that I misunderstand. I hear one word instead of the other and yet that's just another beautiful image or concept or whatever. That's how good he is. His voice helps as well, it can be very intimate and tender, as well as cynical and menacing when it need be. I was gonna give you examples of lyrics, but fuck it, listen to the thing yourselves, discover it.

I don't know why I can't post the songs here directly, it's that time of month for again, I guess. But I'll do it this way, I hope it works:


Dark Sets In

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