Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


09 November 2010


I've been meaning to put these two songs here for some time now, but thought Bah! the Residents again, Primus again...
Yes, AGAIN! Because I think they're great.
First, the Residents. When I first listened to this album - Wb-Rmx - and found it so...listenable (for a Residents album) I fantasized about these songs being remixes of non-existent songs. It would have been "so like them" to do that, whatever that means, if anything. And it's almost true. The infamous "Warner Bros Album", as it came to be known although it was never released, sounds almost nothing like this one. First of all "The WB Album" is not really an album, seriously now. It;s like saying Ween's "Crucial Squeegie Lip" is a proper album. It's just not. It's nerdy teens having some fun with a microphone and that's what's funny about it. The WB Album is very similar in that respect: they were just fucking around. But then, almost 30 years later, they come up with this remix album that is just fantastic. They practically took nothing, remixed it (remix what?? there was no music on the original)...ok, added rhythm and harmony to the whole thing and it sounds great. You can actually dance to it! Imagine that.
And this particular song, oh I love it! It's SO annoying! It starts very annoying, with that voice chanting...god knows what over and over again, then somebody (finally) yells "shut up!!!" and the song begins. And after the song starts, it starts again. Buaha. And then, just when you're getting into it, throwing your cigarette out the window of the speeding car and going for it, the song stops and turns into some Buddhist incantation that just kills anything vaguely resembling a mojo. It's so funny. I swear, these guys are such purists: nevermind selling your soul to the record company, these fuckers don't even sell their souls to their listeners. They never let them have what they want. It's just teases, sniffs. They give you a tic-tac when you're screaming for a box of After-Eight's, just so you know they'd be able to cook it they really wanted to.

The Residents - Ohm Is Where The Art Is

Primus and Residents. Nice sandwich, eh? Les Claypool has often been asked if he's not the Residents' vocalist, after all. Which he's not, but there's your link right there.
This song doesn't really sound like Primus, it's kinda Floyd-ish. They're almost serious with this one, they mean it. Better shield your eyes now little babies.
And speaking of meaning, they kept hinting at a (long overdue) new album. Do they mean it? Please?

Primus - Electric Electric

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