Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


18 January 2012


So here's the story again: in the 80's Mick Jagger went a little disco crazy and a little solo. He kept coming back from Studio 54 with all these great groovy tracks in his mind, laying them on Keith and thinking he'd composed them all when in fact they were just songs he'd heard at the disco two weeks before. Anyway, he was a sponge, his memory probably gave way to make room for yet more incoming and the wheel kept on spinning.
So. One day he comes up with "Anybody Seen My Baby". They record it. Great song, pat on the back and all that. But then Keith's daughter along with a friend of hers listen to the track one day and suddenly start singing "Cooooonstaaant Craaaaviiing" instead of  "Anybody Seeeeeen Myyyyyy Baaaaabyy". Keith goes stiff. He calls the lawyers, tells them to check it and sure enough they get back to him with the answer: yep. "Anybody Seen My Baby" is a bit of a steal when you listen to KD Lang's "Constant Craving", so now she's credited on the Rolling Stones album. Funny.

KD Lang - Constant Craving

Rolling Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby

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