Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


10 February 2012

this is a TEASER

Due March.

(it's all over the internet, you'll find it eventually, don't burst a vein) 
(side note & clue: they used to have truly amazing album covers: what the fuck happened?)


cherry said...

Judging by this cover only, I wouldn't have guessed in a million years. I'm still incredibly curious bout the content of the album. Also, what will At the Drive-In come with after 11 years of silence.

weebzam said...

Now that's what I call research!

cherry said...

I'm just good friends with google search :P

weebzam said...

Yeah, but what did you do, took Mr Google aside and described the cover? :)

cherry said...

Seems like you don't know about this...if you go to google images and press that little camera on the right of the search field, it will let you search an image - either enter the url or upload the pic. You can do this for about a half a year or so now.

weebzam said...

God, what will they think of next, eh? Hot water?

cherry said...

they have something up their selves, I'm surede

cherry said...

sleeves* even