Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


23 November 2010


Laurie Anderson - Example 22

Laurie Anderson - Only an Expert

I was listening to Laurie Anderson's Big Science back in the 90s and I remember thinking "what strange music." In my defense, this was back when I thought the Verve were mysterious, esoteric and weird.
I loved "Big Science", didn't really know why, didn't really care. Example #22 was and still is one of my favorites. Haven't listened to much Laurie over the years, I am now ashamed to admit.
As I was watching people walking out during her concert last week I knew exactly how and what they felt: I had felt it to at some point. And that is: she's talking. I, on the other hand, was transfixed. The voice. The stories. The wisdom, irony and charm. Guess I am finally old enough to get what she's doing. She is brilliant.
There's no easy way to pick a favorite Laurie Anderson song, so I didn't even attempt it.
On Big Science there was a song called From The Air, a name that she apparently also used on another, more recent, piece about her dog discovering that things can also come from the air, from above. The song wasn't really about her dog LolaBelle, it was more about 9/11, but I don't feel like getting all deep just now. The thing is I can't find that song. A shame. Only An Expert will have to do.

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