Some songs are missing. Sorry about that. lost them during one of their many plastic surgeries.
You may have some luck


11 January 2012

Jeff Jeffty-Jeff. Born on the first of Jeff Nineteen-Jeffty-Jeff

I went to this website the other day...they had this top 25 on display, best albums of 2011 in their humble opinion. Thought I'd buy me one of those. I listened to all of them, some more than others, some I just deleted after 1 minute of listening, some I listened two or three times already. But overall, the whole thing was kind of a sad display of craftsmanship. If this is the music today, I want none of it. It's pretty weak. It's not horrible (I've listened to that top as well, the Rhiannas and the Gagas. I did try.) But it used to be better, you know. I am becoming more and more aware of the fact that I'm turning into an old and smelly fart who constantly reminds everyone that "back in the day..." But really now! This is what we've come up with? This is OUR music? They had the fucking 50's, 60's and we have this?

Anyway, here's Jeff The Brotherhood with a song (not an album) that actually sounds like something:

Jeff The Brotherhood - Ripper

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